Waiver and Release of Liability
I agree that this Waiver and Release of Liability shall apply to each day I am at Tiny Notes Music and Movement LLC, regardless of the date this form is signed below. This form does not apply to regular class times where staff is responsible for my child. This form is intended for times when children are in the care of their parents or guardians while on the premises.
I acknowledge and accept that Tiny Notes Music and Movement LLC has jungle gym equipment and other play structures on the premises. I understand that the use of this equipment involves inherent risks, including but not limited to, falls, collisions, and other accidents that may result in injury. I agree to assume all risks and full responsibility for any injuries, losses, or damages that might occur to my child, myself, or other family members resulting from the use of this equipment.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, I waive and release any and all claims, suits, or related causes of action against Tiny Notes Music and Movement LLC, including its owners, officers, employees, or agents, for any injury, loss, death, costs, or other damages arising from the use of any equipment, play structures, or facilities, whether on the premises or during off-site programs or activities.
I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Tiny Notes Music and Movement LLC, its owners, officers, employees, or agents from any and all liability, including claims, suits, or causes of action asserted by third parties, that may arise from injuries, losses, or damages caused by my conduct, my child’s conduct, or the conduct of other family members while participating in the preschool’s programs, activities, or use of equipment.
I specifically understand and agree that Tiny Notes Music and Movement LLC is not responsible for supervising, inspecting, or ensuring the safe use of jungle gym equipment, play structures, or similar apparatuses when children are under the care of their parents or guardians. All use of such equipment is at my own risk, and I am solely responsible for ensuring the proper supervision and safety of my child and any accompanying family members.
I further release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Tiny Notes Music and Movement LLC from any liability whatsoever for future claims that may be presented by my child, myself, or other family members for any injuries, losses, or damages arising from the use of any equipment, facilities, or participation in activities.